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About Me

Putting my heart & soul on
paper, this is my writing.

Mary Ann Esposito noticed slight tremors in her left hand and arm in 2019. Soon, these tremors spread to her left leg and foot. Despite seeing several neurologists, she still doesn’t have a diagnosis after five years. Determined to stay positive.

Mary Ann has focused on improving her eating habits and has been attending physical therapy for four years.
Mary Ann has been meditating for the past 35 years, and she believes this practice, along with physical therapy, has helped her reach new heights. She found a physical therapy center that used high-tech methods and introduced her to brain games designed to stimulate brain cell growth. The doctor recommended BrainHQ, a program of brain games, to keep her mind active. She decided to try it and soon found herself excelling at the games. This success opened up a new world in her mind, sparking a flow of inspirational poems.

Her main focus has always been to help others. Despite her illness, whatever it may be, Mary Ann wants to inspire people to think positively and change their lives. She believes her book can make a difference and help others face life’s challenges. The doctor taught her never to give up, even when discouraged. She continues to strive for answers while doing her best to help others.

More About Me

Inspiring Author 

Inspiring Author 

Inspiring Author 

My Book

Inspirations From Heaven

This book offers a collection of true-life experiences designed to help readers navigate various challenges through inspirational sayings. Drawing from my own journey, I share valuable insights on coping strategies and personal growth. By staying calm and avoiding negative reactions, you can find peace within your heart and become a better person. These experiences, lived and practiced daily, have made me stronger, and I hope they will inspire and empower you too.


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